Многолетний опыт, понимание аудитории и чуткая реакция на изменения в сегменте индустрии путешествий позволяют нам создавать решения, работающие на долгосрочную перспективу. Хороший отель индивидуален и имеет свой неповторимый шарм. Мы знаем как сложно и дорого создать такую атмосферу, как важны в этом бизнесе восторженные эмоции гостей. Всё это важно и для нас — ведь не может быть хорошей рекламы, без соответствующих усилий и души.
Head of Sales and Business DevelopmentYurasova Svetlana

Мы благодарим компанию ТопХотелс за оказанное содействие в проведении Вебинара. Будем рады дальнейшему продолжительному сотрудничеству в сегменте B2B.

Dear administration of TopHotels! We highly appreciate your efforts to hold a webinar in our Sahl Hasheesh Hotel. Looking forward to the positive results and increasing bookings from the Russian market.

Уважаемые коллеги TopHotels! Команда отеля Nova Maldives сердечно благодарит вас за приглашение к участию в ваших марафонах! Как обычно, все прошло "как по маслу"! Благодаря фантастическим профессионалам команды TopHotels, у нас была возможность провести презентацию и не пропустить ни одного важного вопроса от агентов. От всей души наша команда желает вам дальнейшего успеха и развития! Наша душа навсегда принадлежит вам!=

Уважаемый ТопХотелс! Мы благодарим Ваше представительство в Египте за постоянную помощь и поддержку в ведении страницы ТопХотелс и в проведении вебинара. Желаем Вам успехов и процветания. Будем рады дальнейшему сотрудничеству.

Dearest TopHotels Team! On behalf of Kandima Maldives team | am pleased to thank you for kind cooperation and great opportunity to be a part of ON EXHIBIT 2022. TopHotels project has great reputation and trust in Russian and CIS market, so it is always an exceptional and extremely important chance for us to present the property, deliver information for professional visitors and inform about the latest updates and novelties in the resort. Thank you for being smart, playful, human, and Kool, same as Kandima Maldives!

Dear TOPHOTELS Team, We want to thank you for our joint webinar on the TOPHOTELS platform on September 28,2022. It was a great opportunity to take a part in the autumn exhibition, thank you for the excellent organization of this event. Given chance to discuss topical issues and network with leading industry experts, an opportunity to share the latest hotel news and plans for the upcoming season. We look forward to a long and successful working relationship.

Благодарим Tophotels и лично Светлану за прекрасную организацию марафона. Как всегда все прекрасно, начиная с технической организации и заканчивая интересными, животрепещущими вопросами, которые очень важны для работы агентов, да и всех кто интересуется туриндустрией. Новых интересных проектов и процветания всей команде Tophotels!!!

Дорогие Светлана и Александра, Хотели ещё раз поблагодарить вас за прекрасно организованный эфир в рамках зимнего спецпроекта TopHotels и отметить ваш высокий профессионализм и вовлечение во все этапы подготовки и проведения вебинара – от размещения максимально полной информации об отеле Vida Beach Resort Marassi Al Bahrain на сайте и в анонсах до работы с аудиторией во время эфира. Дополнительно хотим отметить высокий уровень агентов, присутствующих на встрече, мотивированных на изучение материала и дальнейшую работу с продуктом. Будем рады продолжить наше плодотворное сотрудничество и в будущем.

Dear TopHotels Team, Dear Svetlana & Aleksandra! Thank you for creating such a great project - Travel Trends: Winter 2022/2023 It was an absolute pleasure to collaborate and to be part of this project. The webinar was conducted in professional manner, great attendance, interesting questions from agents. We are happy that we were able to showcase our Resort to big and involved audience, and to receive positive feedback. We thank you and your Team for professionalism, dedication and punctuality. We will definitely take a part in other projects in upcoming years. We will definitely take a part in other projects in upcoming years.

Dear TopHotels team, I would like to thank you for the great work you do at this tense time, your creativity, new interesting projects and your professionalism. It’s always a pleasure to collaborate with you! It’s not the first time we’ve done a webinar together and as always it went very well. I wish you prosperity and new exciting projects!
Уважаемые Партнеры TopHotels, От лица компании Barceló Hotel Group и от себя лично выражаю благодарность всей команде Tophotels за прекрасную организацию и проведение вебинара 12 апреля 2022 года по отелям сети Barceló в Тунисе. Очень довольны интерактивным форматом вебинаров, серией вопросов и ответов, охватом аудитории и возможностью проведения презентации как для профессионалов туристического бизнеса, так и для конечных клиентов отелей сети Barceló. Хочу отметить профессионализм и внимание Светланы Юрасовой на протяжении всего нашего сотрудничества и непосредственно в ходе вебинара. Отдельная благодарность координатору Александре Литвенковой за помощь и внимание в течение подготовки мероприятия. TopHotels является нашим партнером на протяжении многих лет, из года в год расширяя наше общение по различным направлениям. Искренне надеемся на продолжение столь продуктивного сотрудничества.
От команды Sun Siyam Resorts и от себя лично хочу выразить свою благодарность за Вашу работу! Организовывая мероприятия, мы не думали, что будет столько участников и что событие получится столь увлекательным. Только при занятии любимым делом может быть столько энтузиазма и азарта. Позвольте сказать душевное и искреннее спасибо за Вашу внимательность, за ваш профессионализм и ответственный подход к делу! Все получилось супер, вы умеете выполнять свою работу на «отлично».

Dear colleagues, Maria, Svetlana and Roman. On behalf of Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Angsana Ihuru, I would like to thank you for inviting us to participate in The Indian Ocean Workshop with Maldiviana and Travel Media. It is a great pleasure working with you and I cannot thank you enough for catering for my last-minute requests. I would like to highlight your punctuality and guidance for both content and technical part. I would like to wish you and all Top Hotels team a most successful season ahead and cannot wait to work together again.

Dear Svetlana and TopHotels.ru Team, On behalf of the Atlantis Marketing Team allow me to express our gratitude for all your efforts you have constantly put in each marketing campaign we have run over the past 3 years. It is with great pleasure to look back on how our relationship has developed and grown to achieve great results. From digital advertising campaigns generating thousands and even millions of clicks, or live webinars with a lot of positive feedback from our partners or simple guest support through your platform. At Atlantis, our core values are to exceed customers’ expectations, strive for perfection and contribute towards financial company performance, we thank you for supporting us on achieving these goals. I would like to thank Svetlana especially for her creativity, professionalism and always willing to go that extra mile. Iam excited to work closely with you this year to achieve more successes. Looking forward to a long-lasting relationship between Atlantis Dubai and TopHotels.ru.

Kandima Maldives выражает сердечную благодарность коллективу TopHotelsза профессиональную и безупречную организацию вебинара в рамках онлайн марафона по мальдивам2019/2020. C вами, ребята, работать — одно удовольствие! вы, без сомнения, #OurKindOfPartner

Dear TOP Hotels Team, we would like to thank you for the opportunity which you gave us last week to participate in your B2B Webinar. It was very successful and well organized. We strongly believe it was a first step for our strong cooperation in near future. We appreciate your support during Webinar and always ready to assist you and your clients in any question. Looking forward for your invitation to participate in your future events.

Dear TopHotels.ru. We are thankful for a great opportunity to participate in Online Exhibition 2019. The event format is very convenient for hoteliers as well as for the attendees. We were surprised by the number of participants that made the webinar successful and highly useful. Organization of the entire event is highly appreciated, special gratitude towards Ms. Svetlana for her professionalism in hosting the event and Ms. Marina for assisting with all kinds of technical support. We appreciate our partnership with Tophotels.ru and we look forward to future opportunities for working together.

Dear TopHotels.ru team. Last week (17/02/21) we had an amazing Webinar being organized by your company. It was our first experience to run such type of marketing activities with TopHotels and | was totally impressed with the quality, preparation, and tools you use. I'm also very thankful to your Technical department for being true super heroes for helping us out with our video issues and managing to sort the last minute video uploads in a very efficient manner. I can say that the process from A to Z was extremely professional and well coordinated and to be honest it was the best webinar we ever participated in. We already started experiencing ROI from this activity as we started getting many inquiries from CIS agents who use this Webinar as referral point in order to launch our partnership with them. Once again very well done! | can assure you that it's our first but definitely not the last cooperation! We will be honored to be your loyal customers for years ahead.

Dear Top Hotels team, Svetlana, Tatiana, Maria. I would like to thank you for the great job organizing Maldivian Marathon-2 and for your kind invitation to participate. Featuring on Top Hotels platform helped us connect with both travel industry professionals and independent travelers. I appreciate your professionalism orchestrating the webinar on October 13, 2020. The friendly atmosphere in the webinar room and the growing number of views is the best praise. As always, working with you is a pleasure and I admire your dedication and working on new features for every event. I'm always happy to hear from you and discuss new ideas supporting our destination.

Уважаемые партнеры TopHotels! Команда сети отелей V-Hotels Group выражает благодарность за плодотворное сотрудничество. В частности хотели бы отметить Ваши профессионализм и скрупулёзность в вопросах организации мероприятий по продвижению продукта нашей компании. Вебинар по греческим отелям сети V-Hotels прошел успешно и нашел отклик в лице турагентского рынка. А за каждым успешным вебинаром стоит тщательная подготовка и внимание к деталям. Вами оказана всеобъемлющая техническая поддержка, которая позволила провести онлайн встречу без единой заминки, а так же оказана поддержка в лице ведущего в прямом эфире для создания и поддержания уютной атмосферы для наших слушателей. Желаем развития и процветания!

Dear Ms. Anya Siryapova First all, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you for organizing this special event to form a platform for webinar, and thankfulness for your kind collaboration. Your commitment and hard work has not gone unnoticed and we would like to congratulate you and extend our sincere gratitude for your dedication and enthusiasm. I want to thank you and all on the Top Hotels team for putting together Monday's "Top hotels very successful Webinar". Having built a long term career in the tourism industry. I appreciate and value /MS Anya Siryapova that she has collective experience, talent and insights in this day. The guidance that you provided during the webinar for seeking the best success. We hope that you will continue to stand by our side in this great endeavor to touch the heights of success in future . Once again we would like to thank all the Top Hotels team for putting your trust on our hotel and we will maintain it.

Mы благодарим команду ТопХотелс за профессионально проведенный вебинар и уверены в увеличении продаж на русскоговорящем направлении. Добро пожаловать в наш отель.
Уважаемые Партнеры TopHotels, От лица компании Barceló Hotel Group, отеля Occidental Sharjah Grand и от себя лично выражаю искреннюю благодарность всей команде TopHotels за прекрасную организацию и проведение вебинара 16 декабря 2020 года по отелю Occidental Sharjah Grand (ОАЭ). Хочу отметить профессионализм и внимание Светланы Юрасовой на протяжении всего нашего сотрудничества. Очень довольны интерактивным форматом вебинаров, охватом аудитории и возможностью проведения презентаций как для профессионалов туристического бизнеса, так и для конечных клиентов отелей сети Barceló.

Dear Tatiana, I would like to tell a big thank you for arranging INDIAN OCEAN MARATHON-2020. Everything has been organized at a very high level, such big number of attendees and attention have been a very nice surprise and a sign of high potential of Tophotels company. I always appreciate your professional approach as usual and always confident to participateinyour events. Stay safe and looking foward to our new joint event in the future.

Dear TOPHOTELS Team, TropiKal greetings from Kool and Stylish Kandima Maldives! I want to take this opportunity to personally thank you for our joint webinar on the TOPHOTELS platform on February 16, 2021. We appreciated the opportunity to meet with you to discuss issues of importance to our industry, including issues affecting our business, were able to share the latest hotel news and plans for the upcoming season. Thank you and look forward to fruitful cooperation in the future.

Dear Svetlana Yurasova, We have participated well organized INDIAN OCEAN MARATHON-2020 with online session in October 2020, and additional personalized webinar in February 2021 that was dedicated specifically and only to Centara Grand Island Resort & Spa Maldives and Centara Ras Fushi Resort & Spa Maldives. I would like to express a sincere gratitude for the top level of events’ arrangements and support during the entire process. Tophotels team is highly professional and provides inestimate assistance – we have been receiving very quick respond to all our needs and hassle-free communication with the team behind the scenes. During each presentation I appreciate your, Svetlana, hosting assistance, professionalism and quick react to all live issues and helping hands in communicating with audience. We value connections that have been built with travel industry and individual travelers through events and all the opportunities we have received. We believe that Centara hotels in Maldives are much closer to Russian and CIS market now and we are happy to discuss projects and events between us and Tophotels in the near future. Thank to you, to Tatiana, Maria, Alexandra and the rest of Tophotels team from all of us in Centara Hotels & Resorts.

Уважаемая команда Tophotels, От имени всего коллектива отеля Bellis Deluxe хочу выразить свою благодарность за поддержку и помощь в организации вебинара на тему «Новинки отеля Bellis и как продавать Bellis зимой!» Особо хотелось бы отметить менеджера Марию Ли, и также отдельная благодарность генеральному директору Анне Бондаренко за модерирование прямого эфира. Спасибо за за Вашу мгновенную обратную связь, активное ‚Участие в самом вебинаре и его организации, отзывчивость и внимание. Желаем Вам успехов в дальнейших проектах и надеемся на плодотворное и долгосрочное сотрудничество.
Dear Svetlana Yurasova, Buon pomeriggio dal Baglioni Resort Maldives. On behalf of Baglioni Collection, I would like to thank you for all of your invaluable work and inviting us to take part in such event like Indian Ocean Online Marathon by TopHotels & Maldiviana - 2020. We appreciate having had this opportunity as we believe in people, connection and fruitful business relationships. Having said that, I would like to add that entire team of TopHotels was helpful at all times and it was indeed a pleasure working together. Svetlana, you are an outstanding host who made me feel confident throughout the event when representing resort. Ambiance allowed feeling that all attendees of the webinars were seated in front of me and not on the other side of the camera. We definitely look forward to more events as such and once again Grazie Mille from all of us at Baglioni Resort Maldives.

Уважаемые партнеры TopHotels От лица сети Louis Hotels хотели бы выразить благодарность за плодотворное сотрудничество. Особенно хотелось бы отметить быстроту решения вопросов, творческий подход и стремление к развитию методов продвижения объектов размещения. Вебинар сети Louis Hotels прошел интересно и активно. Благодаря Светлане, все вопросы агентов были отвечены и обратная связь со слушателями поддерживалась по протяжении всего вебинара. От всей души желаем Вам дальнейшего успеха и развития! Пусть TopHotels наполняется ежегодно полезными статьями, рейтингами и яркими онлайн встречами.
Dear Svetlana, We will like thank you for inviting us to participate in Online Exhibition "Maldivian Marathon-2" which was excellently executed. It has been a great pleasure working with TopHotels and Maldiviana for the wonderful experience for training. Each meeting was easy to navigate and nice platform to meet the agents as well. I would like to wish you and all Top Hotels team a most successful season ahead and cannot wait to work together again.

Dear Ms. Svetlana Yurasova On behalf of all our sales team we would like to thank you for your outstanding support during “Indian Ocean Marathon – 2020” project. The webinar ran smoothly, the feedback from the participants is very positive and appreciative, overall we had many good comments and questions showing interest towards Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives. Thank you and Top Hotels team for all your hard work and remarkable contribution to make our presentation go so well. We sincerely wish you success and continued prosperity, dynamic development and look forward to fruitful future cooperation.

Dear Svetlana Yurasova, We have participated series of webinars in April 2021 with personalized webinar and customized marketing activities for Centara Ceysands Resort & Spa Sri Lanka. I would like to express a sincere gratitude for the top level of webinar arrangements and support during the entire process with significant host assistance during live session, professionalism and helping hands in communicating with audience and all other matters. We value connections that have been built with travel industry and individual travelers through this event and looking forward to welcoming travelers from Russia and CIS in Centara Ceysands Resort & Spa Sri Lanka. Thank to Svetlana, Alexandra and the rest of Tophotels team behind the scenes.
Dear TopHotels team, We would like to thank you for this great webinar about our Healthy Return to Service with our beautiful ship - Jewel of the Seas. We know how hard last 18 months have been for the travel industry including media but the positive attitude you have and passion for what you do is admiring. We are absolutely sure it's not the last project we do together. We will be looking forward for more topics to cover. Stay safe and be happy!